Babies Hymen at Babies

Babies Hymen. The hymen is the junction of the urogenital sinus and the sinovaginal bulbs. Baby girls can have some minor vaginal bleeding.

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For the first two to 4 years of life, the infant produces hormones that continue this effect. This shape allows menstrual blood to flow out of the vagina. It is easily corrected through a minor surgery.

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In rare cases this space can be blocked. In newborn babies, still under the influence of their mother’s hormones, the hymen is thick, pale pink, and redundant (folds in on itself and may protrude). The blanched skin was external and at the location of the internal hymenal ring. Imperforate hymen (ih) is an uncommon congenital anomaly of the female genital tract, with the hymen completely obstructing the vaginal opening.